At Safer Tip, things are a little different. You may have been losing a lot of cash to bookies for a long time due to untrustworthy tips. If you're looking for a place to get free and accurate betting tips, Safer Tip should be your first stop. SaferTips, Free Sure Football Prediction Website However, there is no absolute guarantee that everyone will win big in betting, but by using our risk management strategy, you will be guaranteed more profits than losses. We use relevant mathematical and strategics to determine our predictions, and our average accuracy is as high as 85% and higher. We don't mess around or talk about manipulated matches, but we guarantee you a weekly success rate of over 85% in all wagering sections, that we will get the best predictions and safe betting tips and that this will be combined with good management, and that we will guarantee you a sure and steady profit from betting every single month. Safer Tips is an automated football predictions platform that accurately predicts football matches in all major leagues around the world, including the Bundesliga and Premier League, LaLiga, Serie A, and Ligue 1.